Jamming With The Band

The Best Jamming Podcast Around!!!

Make a Mix

Author: Mr Bater

Make A Mix!!!!
Ever wanted to get your cool music mixes or Jamming sesions on the internet??
Well here is your chance!!!  Jamming with the band is having a contest for who has the best music mix or Jamming session.  Email me your music mix or Jamming session and you will have a chance to be on the best Jamming podcast out there.
Your Music creation music must be a maximum length of 2:45 (2 minutes and 45 seconds) and must be a music mix of your favourite style or a Short Jamming session.  I will choose the best one by Febuary 6th and then air it on Jamming with the Band's one year Aninniversary special (febuary 7th).
I will contact you to notify you that you have won.
I will only release your first name (unless you specify otherwise)
All you have to do is make a Music mix or Jamming session that is 2:45 or less and email it to jammingwiththeband@gmail.com by February 6th 2009.  Then I will let you know you have won(if you win) and then your mix of jamming will be on Jamming with the Band on February 7th.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at jammingwiththeband@gmail.com  
Good Luck
Jamming with the Band


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